My Little Aurora second series :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Woowww.. hellooo there! Good to see you again :) Really sorry i havent updated my blog for quite a while. Got the migrain so often recently, have no idea why but i guess i have to check my eyes to optician, just hope it will reduce the migrain :P

Despite of the migrain and my works, I am enjoying the Ramadhan fasting month :) really happy with it! No eating, no drinking and must hold all bad emotion! totally fasting :) not being able to eat is not a big issues for me, what really hard for me to do is trying to control my emotion specially when I'm having a bad day at the office :P
However, that's the best thing of fasting right! to take control of your emotion to see yourself clearly and deeper than ever and that to make you a better person!

Anyway, here I am again, glad to be able to present you the newest set of my Little Aurora series. This is actually an order from a friend for her card. I made one dozen poses of Aurora and will transfer them all to my next card project. Ofcourse, I will let you know the result later on :)

For now, enjoy it and ohh, you can have them too if you want. it's free! no worries! :) just write your comments below and let me know your e-mail address so I can send it through right away!

Okayy!! See you again soon and thanks for looking! Muaachhh

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  1. Bolehkah aku memilikinya? hehehehe...

  2. boleh boleh ayu maniss.. :) nanti aku imel yahh hehe.. oya ada yg edisi lebaran lho hihi.. ntar aku upload klo dah jadi yah! makasih yuu

  3. Aku juga dong say...sama yg dulu jg belom.... :) makasih yaaa....

  4. hihi.. bolehh mbak dengan senang hati.. aku kirim sekalian ama yang pertama yaaa :) ditungguuuu.. hugs


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