
Celebrating Indonesia Independence Day - UN5HandicraftQtamerahputih :)

Monday, August 31, 2015

Hi friends,

How are you? Wow, I really missed my blog. 
I've been busy with few events which I will write later :P Well, I do hope you are doing great and enjoying your day :)

Today I'm going to upload my simple creation to join challenge in my facebook group. The group is called "HandicraftQta"managed by talented Indonesian women and this is my first time joining their challenge :) 

The theme for this time is White and Red in order to celebrate 70th years of Independence Day of our country on 17th August 2015. So, here's my creation:

Red and white cards and pair of earrings all are made of paper using "Gunungan" image that I created few years ago

Pair of paper earrings. I printed out the Gunungan image and then add Mod Podge Dimensional Magic to make the earrings wearable and waterproof.

I created this Gunungan image on 2012 and at last I got the chance to use it this year :) Check out the details on my old post here. I draw images like fish, ocean, trees, flowers etc. to describe how rich our country is and praying that God will always unite and shower us with lots of love and courage. So that we always remember His blessing and take really good care of it.

I made this font using Photoshop program and I also made this heart image and color it using Chameleon Pen (I'm telling you, this is the hardest part, the result is far from what I expected, but well, I'm still learning using it and will try with different image next time! :P)

So that's it for now, I hope I can win this time hehe.. If not, then it's okay, I'm glad that I can join and compete with other amazing women!! And..  I'll write more post later okay.. :)

Thank you for reading and See you soon!

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