Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This is my first ever scrapbook :) I met this very nice lady in a bazaar few months ago. She also loves making greeting cards and her creations are superb!! so anyway, she invited me to join her on the weekend to do scrapbooking together! that was the first time i saw her crafts tools and papers collections! and they are all sooo coollll! this scrapbook papers and the photo was all hers and she taught me how to create a scrapbook page! well, i havent seen her for quite long time now as she's also busy and that for us weekend is "family" time :) well, i think i will go to her house again maybe next month.. and bring her something special :)

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  1. Keren Mbak. Gw dari dulu mo' coba buatnya kek ginian tapi nggak jadi2..abis nggak sempet2. Mungkin kalo' nih cindel2 udah pada besar2ya. O-ya Mbak, ini ada site yg lumayan bagus buat craft,macem2 sih disitu, ntah udah tau ntah belum lu. Coba deh lu buka

  2. @tika: bikin aja ka,gw juga pengen bikin scrapbook gini, cuma kalo cari kertas yg cantik2 gini musti import n gw ga ada duit euy :P oke oke, ntar gw berkunjung ke site itu yahh, smoga ga ngiler2.. makasih banyak ka!


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