Monday, April 19, 2010

This is for one of my friend, Mbak Monika! Hope you had a great birthday celebration over there! Most of all, hope you like this card :) It’s a hand painted card hehe.. yep, I’ve got no paper with flower pattern so I painted the card instead and decorated it with small ribbon, flower sticker and printed wording “happy birthday” on a tracing paper. Anyway, may all your wishes will come true for you! Amenn :)

Ini buat temenku Mbak Monika! Mudah2n ultahnya meriah ya mbak nun jauh disana! Mudah2n suka juga ama kartu ini :) yang  aku gambar sendiri pake acrylic gara2 ga punya kertas motif bunga :p dekorasinya di tambah pita kecil, stiker bunga, ama tulisan happy birthday yg di print di kertas kalkir. Mudah2n segala cita2mu tercapai ya mbak! Amin :)

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  1. Kartunya cantik bangeeet Mbak Ika....

    hugs: susan quilling

  2. @susan: makasih mbak susan :) kartumu juga keren2 banget quillingnya!


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